What is Laminate Coating (Laminate Veneer)?
Laminate, also called leaf porcelain, is an aesthetic application made by gluing a layer prepared from porcelain to the front surfaces of the teeth on anterior teeth with aesthetic problems. These veneers made of porcelain are a thin, semi-permeable layer. They are prepared and placed on an existing tooth with perfect fit and precision. Since a very thin layer is removed from the tooth surface, the level of damage to the tooth is minimal. They are very successful aesthetically, as they are very thin and do not contain metal.
Who can Laminate Coating be applied to?
- Aesthetically dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth,
- Do not want to have orthodontic treatment,
- Fractures or splits in anterior teeth
- It can be applied to people with discoloration in the anterior teeth.
Are Laminates Long-Lasting? Is it durable?
If you want to use it for a long time after having leaf porcelain, you need to pay attention to your oral care. In addition, not biting very hard foods and giving up on habits such as nail biting will help extend the life of your coatings.
How long does it take to prepare porcelain crown-bridge (veneers)? What are the stages?
After the examination is done and your treatment is decided, the first step is to measure your mouth and tooth structure. Porcelain veneer is cut and reduced so that the veneer can be placed on the teeth to be veneered. The measurement taken is sent to the prosthesis laboratory, and the infrastructure is awaited for rehearsal. After the rehearsals related to the infrastructure (gingival compliance, height control) are done, the aesthetic rehearsal stage is started. After choosing a tooth color that is compatible with the patient's skin and face, the final rehearsal is performed. When the desired result is achieved, the process is completed by performing the bonding process called cementation. This process we have described covers a period of approximately 10-15 days.
How long do porcelain veneers last?
Of course, porcelain veneers also have a lifespan. The porcelain coatings made can be used about 10 years without any problems. However, it is possible to extend the service life of porcelain veneers by performing oral care.
Worn porcelain veneers can cause bad breath, gum recession and tooth loss as a result of this condition. . For this reason, it is recommended to renew the worn prostheses.
How should porcelain veneers be maintained?
For various reasons, many people use dental prostheses called veneers, bridges, etc. The use of dentures does not mean that less attention will be paid to oral and dental care. Although there is a common belief among the public that dentures do not need as much care as real teeth, it is a known fact that the surface of the denture is more conservative than the enamel layer of the tooth. In other words, plaque formation is more common on the surface of the prosthesis. However, dentures that are cleaned regularly and effectively have a longer life and are more comfortable to use.
If prosthesis care is not done regularly,
- Bad Breath
- Gum ailments
- Rotten
- Stain on the prosthesis
- It can be met with many ailments such as infection in the mouth.
Maintenance of Fixed Dentures
The area between the crown end and the gingiva should be cleaned especially well. Otherwise, bacteria may multiply in this area and cause cavities or gum disease.
Patients with fixed prosthesis;
- Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day.
- Use mouthwash, interface brush, or dental floss.
- In patients with a bridge prosthesis, the bottom of the prosthesis, which acts as a bridge, should be cleaned very well, otherwise, gingival recession may occur in the teeth on the bridge foot.
Maintenance of removable dentures
- After meals, it removes food residues by washing the prosthesis in water.
- You should brush your dentures regularly after certain meals, especially before going to bed. This process prevents plaque and stain formation.
- In the brushing process, water and various toothpastes or prosthetic care products are used. Do not use abrasive powders
- Take care to clean all surfaces of the prosthesis.
- From time to time, you can keep your prosthesis in special prosthetic fluids. You should use your prosthesis, which has been exposed to chemicals, after washing it.
- The most effective way to keep the prosthesis clean is to soak it in chemical liquids a few times a week along with daily brushing.